Seth Meyers Uses ‘The Simpsons’ To Puncture The Trump Team’s Voter Fraud Lies

The latest “Closer Look” from Late Night released early on Monday, but it was a bit too early to catch the breaking news about Michael Flynn resigning from the Trump administration. He gets a portion of this installment, so it’s a little out of date — a regular feature of the current political landscape. That said, Meyers still has plenty to survey from the weekend. Not only is there Stephen Miller’s appearances on Sunday television, toeing the line for Trump’s dishonest stance on voter fraud, but there was also Trump himself spending some quality time with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe.

For Trump’s weekend from Mar-a-Lago, after its start at The White House, Meyers focused on the handshake that wouldn’t end and both leader’s response to North Korea’s missile test. The real shock was obviously the way both men were informed about the news on the patio at Trump’s winter White House. Abe and Trump were reading documents using candles and cell phone lights with advisors scrambling to get everything together — something Trump clearly had no interest in if you believe this photo:

Meyers seems to save some of the best quips for Stephen Miller, though. Not only does he trash his many media appearances over the weekend and criticize his choice to carry the lies for the administration, but he also drops a nice Simpsons reference to describe Miller. When you’re a thirty-year-old guy who looks a few steps away from Mr. Burns, you might want to change your path. Then again, if reports about Miller are true, he thrives on the hate and won’t change a thing.

(Via Late Night)