We’ve Reached The Point In The Election Where Witches Are Cursing Donald Trump


You can add witches to the groups of people attempting to rig the election against Donald Trump. To say The Donald has lost the support of many women over the past weeks would be an understatement, and now a group of them plans to gather together to “cast magical spells of love and feminism to destroy the Great Orange One and the racism, xenophobia and sexism he feeds on.”

So is this a literal gathering of Wiccans intending to hex Trump, or just a Halloween themed protest? It turns out it’s a little bit of both. The event in Burlington is being organized by the Vermont Feminist Collaborative’s Feminists Against Trump branch and will feature actual, honest to Goddess spells being written in both English and Spanish. Organizer Laurie Essig, director of the Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies program at Middlebury College, said their references to witches were fitting since “witches have historically been associated with nasty women.”


The group is being careful not to call down too much bad juju. Their flyers promise ‘love potions for all earth peoples’ and Essig promises the main goal is to “make some good feminist magic to surround ourselves with — something other than the hate that [Trump’s] campaign supports.”

(via Qz)