‘Parenthood’ – ‘Damage Control’: Drink up!

As I mentioned earlier today, I’m scrambling to get ready for the TV critics’ press tour, so no time for a proper take on last night’s “Parenthood,” in which most of the Bravermans had to accept that sometimes being a parent means being the bad guy. Of the plots, I’m still struggling to stay interested in Jason Katims’ latest age-inappropriate teenage girl romance, and while Crosby taking responsibility with Jabbar was a nice piece of growth for him (since he seemed to go from 0 to 60 on the parenting scale awfully easily), it was still a story about a little boy who won’t clean his room, and thankfully didn’t take up too much time. The most affecting wound up being Julia and Joel’s struggle with teaching Sydney about death, as it’s not only a complicated question but another chance for Sam Jaeger’s sneaky campaign to become the most likable person on the show.

Also, Katims continues his quest to smuggle the cast of “Friday Night Lights” in, ala Johnny Cash, one piece at a time, continues with Jeff Rosick (who’s played Buddy Garrity Jr. in this final season) playing one of Drew’s friends.

What did everybody else think?