‘Awake’ – ‘Nightswimming’: He made me a mixtape!

A quick review of last night’s “Awake” coming up just as soon as I have a cassette player…

Yeah, this is the first episode of “Awake” so far that really didn’t work for me. The material in the red world was fine, particularly Mike coming to grips with Hannah’s desire to move to Oregon because he loves her that much. But the green world crime story really bored me, even as I could see the obvious parallels to Mike’s personal situation. (They were so obvious that for once the show didn’t even bother trotting out the shrinks to explain what events in one world had to do with the other.)

In general, “Awake” has done a good job of making the guest characters involved in Mike’s cases interesting enough that I care about what happens in each investigation. But the writers have also been wise until now to not lean too heavily on the guest stars. I’m watching because I care about Mike Britten and his family and his partners, not the marital problems of a mob accountant, and too much time and too many emotional moments were devoted to the accountant and his wife.

Glad to see Steve Lawrence, though. Would’ve been perfectly fine with this being an all-red world episode (especially since there was no Rex a week after an episode where Rex only appeared briefly) so we could’ve seen a bit of Jake and Vega’s steak dinner. Steve Lawrence plus Wilmer Valderrama is a combination I never knew I wanted to see until “Awake” put it in front of me. Huh.

What did everybody else think?