Peyton Manning Is Back With A New Nationwide Commercial To Get Stuck In Your Head

Hey, remember when Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning did that Nationwide insurance ad where he incorporated the jingle into everything that he did, like eating a chicken Parmesan sandwich?

Well, guess what? Manning’s back with another Nationwide ad to kick off the 2015 NFL season, and it still features chicken Parm sandwiches because those are the greatest kind of sandwiches. Also, it has queso dip, which is the best kind of dip. Great, now I’m hungry — for great insurance rates at a reasonable price.

Just kidding.

But seriously.

It’s effective advertising (which, if you’re into that sort of thing, is explained on a deeper level in Adweek). Now, everything in real life is going to be set to the Nationwide tune. And as long as you remember what that sounds like, Nation-wide’s al-rea-dy won.


(Via Erik Oster)