Twitter Is Killing Tweetdeck For iPhone, Android And Facebook

Tweetdeck, the Twitter platform of choice for the hardcore Twitter obsessed, is slowly being put to death.

Reports the Verge:

Twitter has announced that it will be discontinuing several TweetDeck apps in favor of the web client. The Android, iPhone, and Air-based desktop clients will all be affected; the apps will be removed from their stores in early May, and stop functioning soon after. Facebook integration will also be removed.

The apps rely on version 1.0 of Twitter’s API, which has just been superseded by 1.1, and as such the company warns that performance may be sporadic until it finally stops offering the products altogether. The newer desktop clients won’t be killed, though they’re yet to receive an API 1.1 update.

That sound you hear is the wailing of every “social media manager” on the planet.