Chicken Soup And Waffles For The Soul: 12 Of Ben And Leslie’s Sweetest Scenes

Here’s how Parks and Recreation creator Michael Schur describes the most important TV wedding since the last important TV wedding.

As for the one thing that could come between the Pawnee power couple, Schur, Adam Scott and Amy Poehler all agreed it’s the folded-up pizza that recently betrayed Ben: calzone. “Leslie and Ben’s bond is so strong and they’re so right for each other I don’t think any other man or woman could cause them to split — but the calzone issue could be a wedge that drives them apart,” Schur said with a laugh. “It’s the two things that Ben cares about most in the world: Leslie and pizza wrapped in pastry dough.” (Via)

/writes “eat 17 calzones” on iPhone calender. The best thing about tonight’s Knope-Wyatt union is how unexpectedly quick it came together. The two have been dating for awhile, but the wedding itself, bachelor/bachelorette parties excepted, wasn’t really discussed until last episode, and then one week later, it’s actually happening. I say the following as someone who’s in the middle of wedding planning: I hate Ben and Leslie out of jealously for their spur-of-the-moment decision. But I also love them, because they’re Amy Poehler and Adam Scott, and can Mouse Rat play my wedding? Please?









