Matthew Perry has been stirring up drama over his memoir for the past week. In various excerpts from his new book, he revealed that he has something against Keanu Reeves, talked a moderate amount of smack about Cameron Diaz, and then claimed that he had once made out with then-costar Valerie Bertinelli while she was married. It’s been a wild week!
Then, yesterday, Bertinelli seemingly responded to Perry’s claims by hopping on a TikTok trend, which is how you respond to said things these days. The actress uploaded a clip featuring Taylor Swift’s “Anti-Hero” with the caption “Anyone else misbehave in their 20’s and early 30’s? Are you mortified?” The audio features the lyrics “It’s me, Hi/ I’m the problem it’s me.” While she doesn’t explicitly mention Perry, her reaction is enough.
After the clip went viral, Bertinelli went on Instagram to rant about being followed by paparazzi. “I just had a single paparazzi waiting outside my therapist’s office for me to come out and ask me stupid questions,” the actress said while laughing. “Ya’ll are weird!” Unfortunately, it got worse. “This is insane. I went to get my nails done and this van keeps following me,” Bertinelli said on her Instagram stories.
She added, “It’s been a long time since I’ve been followed by paparazzi, I mean, look at me! This is what I’m wearing. Who the f*ck cares.” Bertinelli then shared a picture of her wearing a band t-shirt and sweatpants. “Seriously good luck trying to sell a picture where this is what I look like.”

Bertinelli was a huge star in the late ’80s and early ’90s, so she is no stranger to the paparazzi. Still, this is all because Perry decided to share a seemingly harmless little tidbit about his past. Maybe he should have asked her first?