3D Movies Are Bad for Your Eyes?

Hey, you know all those complaints about headaches and eyestrain that started popping up after 3D movies started coming out? Guess what? That’s because you’re ruining your eyesight!

Here’s the problem with 3D displays: your eye is essentially constantly switching between focusing on the screen itself and the 3D content it’s supposed to be seeing. Needless to say, your brain does not enjoy this sensation, and rewards you with a headache, ocular strain, and other fun ailments. And it doesn’t just apply to glasses, either: non-glasses 3D can still kill your eyes. Sorry, all those cellphones and the 3DS; you suck.

In case you were wondering, with smaller screens, it’s content “inside” the screen that makes your eyes bleed, while on big screens it’s content that pops out at you that brings the pain. Fun facts to know and share!

[ via the stereogramatically correct at TechCrunch ]