Here’s Your Annual Reminder That Emma Stone Is Great At The Internet

2014 has given us a solid dosage of Emma Stone. Between Spider-Man, Birdman, and Cabaret photos, we’ve been thoroughly blessed with Emma. I know it’s greedy of me to want more — she’s only human after all — but I don’t think it would be out of the question for the internet to petition her to bump it up to say, a movie every month? Or at least a game show segment with Jimmy Fallon, that’s doable, right?

Ever since 2007’s Superbad, Emma Stone has been a red-headed force to be reckoned with in Hollywood. Ms. Stone is celebrating her 25th birthday today, and it’s only fitting that we acknowledge her many accomplishments. Sure, I could write an exposé on why she should leave Andrew Garfield for me, or do a rundown of her greatest eye rolls, but shouldn’t we strive for more? Something like spotlighting all the weirdly awesome internet moments she’s bestowed upon us…

1. She’s not afraid to take an honest look at herself.

Learning a harsh truth about one’s self can be an eye-opening moment. (I’ll never forget the day I realized I was Doritos target demographic). Emma Stone, like most of us, has Googled herself at one time or another to find out just how many GIFs of her truly are floating around the internet. She told Vogue what she did find, is that she perfectly fits into the slang definition of a basic b*tch.

“I don’t usually like what I find,” she says. “But some of it is really funny.” Stone mentions Internet comments that referred to her as a “Bland Basic B*tch,” which was probably meant as a dig, but she found it hilarious, to the point that at dinner she now begins to refer to herself as “That Bland Basic B*tch.”

Embrace it, Emma. More power to you! For there are no “bland basic b*tches” out there that are as present in our dreams as you.

2. She’s a master at trolling paparazzi.

While other stars deal with the paparazzi by swinging golf clubs or throwing a trench coat over themselves and running like a vampire caught in the sun, Emma Stone uses her wit to defeat their flashbulbs. When she and Andrew Garfield were being stalked during breakfast in New York earlier this year, they handled the annoyance by covering their faces with a message written on two index cards. The cards read as follows:

Good morning! We were eating and saw a group of guys with cameras outside. And so we thought, let’s try this again. We don’t need the attention, but these wonderful organizations do: (and don’t forget:) Here’s to the stuff that matters. Have a great day!

Ha! In yo face, Harvey Levin!

3. She supports noble causes in the most nerdy way possible.

Not only did Emma Stone join the charity organization Stand Up To Cancer, but she made every Star Wars fan’s dreams come true at the same time by sporting Princess Leia hair. Her mother is a breast cancer survivor, so it’s not surprising that Emma decided to support the cause. Deciding to do so, and in such a nerd-tastic way only solidifies Emma Stone’s place in the internet hall of greatness.

4. She’s been part of some very strange internet tributes.

In the golden age of Hollywood an actress knew they had made it when they landed on the cover of LIFE magazine, now that recognition comes when somebody photoshops a fake beard on you. Emma Stone has been part of two of the internet’s weirdest celebrity obsessions: female celebrities with beards and obese actresses. I don’t really understand it, but it does give us a glimpse of what this season’s American Horror Story would look like if Emma had taken Kathy Bate’s role.

5. And finally, her contributions to GIF culture.

My apologies if that last entry tainted your perception of the heavenly Emma Stone. There is a solution, though: GIFs. Other than perhaps Alison Brie and maybe Olivia Munn circa 2010, no female celebrity has brought as much to GIF culture as Emma Stone. Bask in the looped glory that is the Emma Stone GIF.