This Woman Livetweeted A Breakup On An Airplane, Complete With A Twist Ending

The next time I’m on a long distance flight, I would gladly give up my sad bag of peanuts for a breakup to live tweet. One couple’s misery is everyone else’s Twitter gold.

While waiting to leave Raleigh-Durham International Airport yesterday, Kelly Reegs, also known as @keegs141, witnessed some jerk of a guy say “welcome to Dumpsville; population: you” to his sobbing girlfriend, which ranks in the top-five of worst ways to call things off.

1. Murder.
2. Spaceship.
3. On an airplane before it even departs.
4. With a text that reads, “Oops, I thought this was Candy.”
5. Teach your parrot to say, “We done.”

Get your Bill Hader popcorn GIF ready, because this story has a twist ending!