Bernie Sanders’ Supporters ‘Swipe Right’ For Bern And Get Booted From Tinder


It starts like any other night. You’re hanging out on the couch, swiping away at Tinder, trying to find a decent match or at the very least a nice hookup for the evening, when you meet someone who swipes right on your advances. Heart aflutter, you have been accepted. Dopamine hits, a feeling of being wanted enraptures your soul and blood rushes to all the right areas.

Then you learn that we are living in a society in which a small amount of individuals control the vast majority of wealth, and that our economic system is rigged to favor them. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer and have any and all benefits taken from them. Either this is the strangest sexy talk in the history of Tinder, or this person really, really finds democratic socialism a turn on. The truth is somewhere in-between.

Bernie Sanders supporters have taken to Tinder to spread the Bern. According to Reuters, two women have had their Tinder accounts suspended thanks to their Tinder campaign efforts for Bernie Sanders.

Haley Lent, 22, from Iowa (who is married) spoke to 50-100 people on Tinder in order to spread Senator Sanders’ message and get out the vote.

“I would ask them if they were going to vote in their upcoming primaries,” she said. “If they said no or were on the fence, I would try to talk to them and persuade them to vote.”

Whether or not this campaign worked and got the Tinder users out to vote is unknown. What we do know is that a bunch of funny little interactions went down. Sometimes that’s all that matters.

(Via Reuters)