'Breaking Bad' Seasons 1-4 Chronologically Recapped Most Excellently

Now that Mad Men is in the rearview mirror for a few months, I think it’s about time we all start stroking our Breaking Bad boners in anticipation of the season five premiere coming up in a few weeks, don’t you think? I mean, what else are we gonna do? Watch Dallas? Um, no.

In such, someone tweeted a link to this video at me yesterday and it has my Breaking Bad boner so hard right now it can cut, well, glass cooked by Walter White himself. This is just so well done — I’d argue that even AMC couldn’t make a better recap video that hits all the show’s major plot points sufficiently enough that I actually think it could get someone who hasn’t seen an episode up to speed AND keep anyone watching it riveted for the few minutes it lasts. Nice work, Jswinney1 — you help make the internet a better place.

Thanks for the tip, Johnny!