Chinese Restaurant Hires Robot Waiters

Restaurant owner Zhang Yongpei (who also runs a company which makes robots) came up with a fitting way to staff his business in the city of Jinan in China’s Shandong province.  He bought robotic receptionists, waiters, and dancers.  The seven robotic waiters cost almost £4000 (US $6200) apiece.  His current restaurant, the Dalu Robot, serves 100 customers with a staff of more than a dozen robots and six humans.  He hopes to open a bigger restaurant with 30 robots, because outnumbering human employees by a margin of two to one just isn’t creepy enough.

The video below says they’ll “never complain if you don’t leave a tip.”  Damn right they won’t.  Know your place, robots. You see this?  t(-_-t)  This is me double-flipping you off, robot waiters. Now go get me another spoon. I dropped mine on the floor accidentally on purpose. And pick that up.

[via Telegraph and LATimes]