Let’s Celebrate Colorado And Washington Legalizing Marijuana With Funny Pictures, Shall We?

Yesterday, voters in both Colorado and Washington passed ballot initiatives to legalize recreational marijuana use in their state. Voters in Washington state passed Initiative 502, which allows adults 21 and over to posses up to an ounce of marijuana starting December 6th (mark your calenders). The initiative also increases penalties for driving under the influence. Washington’s Liquor Control Board will set the rules for taxing and regulating marijuana, with an expectation of raising $1.9 billion in revenue in the next five years.

Colorado voters passed Amendment 64, which seeks to legalize recreational marijuana use by adults. Mason Tvert, the co-director of the Campaign To Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, commented:

“Over the past eight years in Colorado, we have argued that it is irrational to punish adults for choosing to use a product that is far less harmful than alcohol. Today, the voters agreed. Colorado will no longer have laws that steer people toward using alcohol, and adults will be free to use marijuana instead if that is what they prefer. And we will be better off as a society because of it.”


Today, we’re just a little bit closer to all of us being more like Harrison Ford. Let’s celebrate with funny pictures, shall we?






















