FINALLY: User-Friendly Dildo Software For 3D Printers (Feat. Justin Bieber Dildo)

Previously, on my Tumblr: There was a lot of speculation about desktop 3D printers not using food / body safe materials, also tiny imperfections in the printing causing cuts and/or bacterial infections in soft sensitive tissue areas, therefore internet wisdom was “Don’t 3D print yourself a buttplug.” Yeah, that’s a discussion, and we’ve been having it on Tumblr for months.

The whole “not smart to put inside your body” thing is really throwing a wrench in to my plans to become an all-dragon-shaped dildo distributor.

The workaround for the less-than-smooth results of 3D printed objects has been to print out your custom dildo design, sand it down, use it to cast a mold with which you can create your own toy with silicone. (Or a thousand of them for your closest friends and co-workers.) One would assume that even with this new online dildo generator, created by programmer Ikaros Kappler, you’d still have to do that, due to the nature of how a 3D printer works (printing in layers from one end to another, or the bottom up.)

(Heh. Bottom up.) (Note to self: Jagged Little Dicks could be a good band name.)

As someone who previously worked at a ladies lingerie and vibrator emporium, lemme be the one to say that the appropriate term is “dongs.” They tell you that when they train you to sell the dongs. Call them dongs, not dildos. And lemme also tell you that printing out your own dong is nothing new, as Tom Nardone at MakerLove knows. He started his website for people to opensource their original dildo designs. Which is how you end up with a vibrator of Justin Bieber’s face.

The online dildo generator is at least four minutes of fun, though. Which is coincidentally how much fun actual dildos are for me, but I digress. It’s probably not safe for work unless your bosses are pretty cool or you work for a dong manufacturer.

Via Geekologie