Doctor Who Gear Is Cool: Awesome Custom Shoes, T-Shirts And Hats

Fezzes are cool, bow ties are cool and so is this sweet “Doctor Who” gear from Etsy. Although (presumably) not official merchandise of the show, these clever clothes and decorations are sure to get you props from fellow fans. And, as an added bonus, many of these items are available without breaking the bank! Let us know your favorites in the comments.

Hand Painted Doctor Who Vans $140

Exploding TARDIS T-Shirt $22

TARDIS Light Switch $6

Keep Calm and Reverse Polarity $24

Weeping Angel Light Switch $6

TARDIS Hat $35

Hand Painted Doctor Who Canvas Shoes $45

Doctor Who and Amy Pond Earrings $13

Stained Glass TARDIS $65

TARDIS Messenger Bag for $50

TARDIS Knit Fingerless Gloves $20

Doctor Who Inspired Scarf $85

Keep Calm and Exterminate T-Shirt $24

Doctor Who Charms $44