Donald Trump Is Already Selling Bootleg-Quality Fake Mug Shot T-Shirts For… Get This… $47

Despite his hopes to the contrary, and several days obsessing over how his perp walk would look, Donald Trump did not have his mug shot taken during his arrest on Tuesday. However, that hasn’t stopped his campaign from selling t-shirts with a fake mug shot on them.

According to Mediaite, Trump’s campaign has already sent out emails that will allow MAGA supporters to obtain a mug shot t-shirt if they make a generous donation of $47. You can see one of the shirts below:

As for why Trump’s mug shot wasn’t taken, the reason is surprisingly simple: People already know what he looks like. Mug shots are mostly to help the public identify fugitives, but it’s kind of hard to miss a former reality TV star and 45th President of the United States. Plus the spray tan kinda stands out.

Via The New York Times:

Mr. Trump is not considered a significant flight risk, and as he is a former president who hosted a widely popular reality television show after spending decades as a fixture of the tabloids, photographs of him are more than readily available.

Several officials also said there was concern that a mug shot of Mr. Trump, which would be provided to the New York Police Department and other agencies, would be leaked. That would be a violation of law and could prompt an investigation and a political firestorm.

In a way, Trump also made it easy to identify him by selling t-shirts with his freaking face on them. Just look for the guy with the bad hair who claims to be “Not Guilty.”

(Via Mediaite)