This Woman’s Horrifying Story Will Teach You To Never, Ever Stalk Your Partner’s Ex On Facebook


We’re now officially in the holiday season, which means the alcohol will be flowing and people will be getting into the spirit of Christmas by getting drunk and then doing questionable things on social media. One of those things? Checking out your significant other’s ex just to make sure what they were like. It’s not something you might do when you’re sober, but when you’re wasted and insecure, it sounds like an excellent idea. Until it ruins your entire life by making you look like an insanitor in front of everyone you’ve ever friended.

Bro Bible reports that this latest tale of love gone terribly wrong comes from Reddit’s popular TIFU subreddit (that’s an acronym), where people post their most horrible mistakes. Here’s the story Fckas shared with the whole world:

Today, well early AM, I fucked up and got super wasted and tried to search for my bf’s ex on fb, but when I typed in her name, nothing came up. I searched over and over and nothing. This evening, I see that I had posted her name all over my wall. Kill me.

Short, sweet, and one hundred percent excruciating. And it’s not like she did it in the middle of the night and then woke up and no one had seen it, either. Our sad, sad hero blasted her Facebook in the morning, when everyone’s checking their friends’ statuses.  Now, not only does her boyfriend’s ex know what’s up, but so does this woman’s boyfriend, his family, and all of their mutual friends. And now that she’s shared it on Reddit, the entire world knows that somewhere out there is a woman who spent her Thanksgiving typing a stranger’s name on her own Facebook wall over and over in a fit of jealousy.

Drunk Facebooking, man; not even once!

(Via Bro Bible)