Fight Club in Silicon Valley? Nerd Fight!

Gints K., a software engineer in Silicon Valley, founded the Gentlemen’s Fight Club, and Drea Cooper and Zackary Canepari made a short film about it (video below).  Gints says he was looking for “something a little more primitive, a little more basic, something that appeals to the essential nature of a man.”  They don’t have Craigslist in Silicon Valley?

The gentleman’s fighting club holds matches in a car garage, and since it’s a “geek” fight club, they’ve even included a mural of a computer in the background. There are two rules or guidelines in this gentleman’s fight club: One, don’t cripple your friend.  And two, don’t make anyone cry. [TheNextWeb]

Don’t make anyone cry?  Lamesauce.  What good is having a fight if you can’t take cheap shots at a guy about his failed marriage and then laugh at his blubbering?  Then make up and reenact that bathtub scene from the book and movie where they say, “I’m wondering if another woman is really the answer we need”?  These people act like they’ve never played Knifey Spooney Cuddle Spoon before.