Forget Craigslist, This Guy’s YouTube Ad For His Used Volvo Is Spectacular

“Do you want to be perceived as rich and cuddly,” the man behind this next level Internet used car ad asks. “Of course you do.” And he’s right. Who among us wouldn’t want to be known as both rich and cuddly while cruising the streets of Anytown, Planet Earth behind the wheel of this guy’s 1993 Volvo 245GL for the low, unbeatable price of just 7,500 Swedish crowns? That’s a rhetorical question because the answer is clearly everyone. With 303,253 hits on his English version and another 254,190 views on his original Swedish version, “PonyHans” nearly has a viral hit on his hands, but it won’t matter until he’s actually holding all of those crowns and handing over a bill of sale.

So if you live in or near Malmö, Sweden, or you’re willing to travel there to purchase a 21-year old Volvo because you like the cut of this guy’s jib, then to borrow a phrase from our dear friend Bobby Hacker, you’d better get out your f*cking checkbook.