‘Game Of Slaps’ Just Reminded How Much I Miss ‘Game Of Thrones’

As much as I love the internet sometimes I hate it. Without fail, right when something I truly miss is almost completely out of my consciousness the internet comes along and pries open that wound with something super cool like this “Game of Slaps” GIF wall, reminding me how much I love Game of Thrones and that we’ve got a hella long time before season two is here. I guess I’ll just have to get by with copious amounts of football…

Full “Game of Slaps” GIF wall after the jump, followed by one of my top ten all-time favorite YouTubes. If I’m going to suffer, you jerks are suffering with me. Also, wouldn’t it be kind of awesome if gratuitous slapping was kosher this day and age? I mean, I doubt I’d be doing much slapping (I’m a lover) and I’m certainly not interested in being the slap-ee, but I definitely wouldn’t hate airports as much if disgruntled passengers just got to slap the sh*t out of airline attendants over baggage fees instead of ranting like entitled a-holes. “Glove slap, baby!” is the world I wanna live in.

Source: Mata Fari