Grab Your Tire Irons, ‘Road Rash’ Returns In Spirit With ‘Road Redemption’

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a new Road Rash game, which is a shame because they were beautifully pure (and fun) odes to poor sportsmanship. I’m not terribly proficient at racing games, so any title that gives me the option of smashing my opponents in the face with a tire iron to win immediately earns my respect.

Well, there’s no official Road Rash sequel on the way yet, but a new project that might just fill your Road Rash void has popped up on Kickstarter. Road Redemption is being made by a team of guys who have worked on everything from God of War to Epic Mickey, and promises to bring fancy new graphics, online multiplayer and a number of different game modes to the classic Road Rash formula.

Hit the jump for a Road Redemption promo video…

Here’s the link to the Road Redemption Kickstarter page.

In another bit of interesting Road Rash news, series co-creator Dan Geisler has also expressed interest in revisiting the “bashing guys in the skull while riding motorcycles” genre, so we may soon have a more than one indie Road Rash revival to choose from. What a time to be alive.

via Destructoid & Polygon