A Group Of Male College Students In Vermont Posted A Craigslist Ad Seeking A House MILF

In case you weren’t aware, there are people out there who use Craigslist for more than just posting ads for overpriced old couches or trying to find a roommate after the last one couldn’t live with your burrito farts anymore. Some people actually use Craigslist, I’m told, to find sexual partners, with some of those people even willing to pay for various acts of intercourse. I know, I couldn’t believe that people would misuse the Internet either.

For example, a group of male seniors at the University of Vermont in Burlington recently posted an ad seeking an older woman who would come to their house and cook for them, and for her kindness, they were more than willing to have sex with her. They were searching for their “House MILF.”

Of course, the use of the term “house MILF” is a bit odd, because these men were looking for a woman over the age of 25, which just seems strange to me when associated with a Mom I’d Like to Fornicate (With). But I guess it’s still accurate nonetheless.

Naturally, a lot of people are pretty pissed and shocked over this news, and the UVM police department is taking it pretty seriously in turn. The university’s chief of police told the Burlington Free Press that the department is looking into the ad on grounds of solicitation, even though this doesn’t seem like an act of prostitution as much as it’s just some bros taking one last shot at a fantasy that only exists in straight-to-DVD movies starring Carmen Electra.

(Screen grab via Bro Bible)