Happy Halloween From Shifty-Eyed Vigo the Carpathian (video)

I’ve never been one to attend work-related open house events. Call me crazy, but I’d rather just stay home with a tub of ice cream and Netflix another episode of Kolchak. Besides, if my employer really wanted to entice me, they’d invest in hacking a Kinect system and hooking it up to an interactive image of Vigo the Carpathian -at least that’s what Eric did at his company’s Halloween-themed open house this year. With a little help from Processing, Adobe Photoshop and the Xbox Kinect, Eric made it possible for everyone around the office to experience the horrifying paranoia of Jesus eyes. Hey, I don’t mind the seductive gaze from a 16th century Moldavian magician, so long as he is striking a Blue Steel pose.

Video after the jump:

[via MAKE:]