Here’s The Adorable Photo Paul Walker’s Daughter Posted After The ‘Furious 7′ Super Bowl Trailer Aired

It’s almost impossible to believe that Paul Walker has been gone from our lives for well over a year now, and it will still be another three months before we see his final film, Furious 7. Obviously, Walker is not forgotten, but for his 16-year-old daughter, Meadow, seeing him continue to appear on her television screen must be bittersweet. Every TV spot for Furious 7 must be a sad reminder of his passing, but it also allows her — in some small way — some more time with her late father. What a weird, weird sensation that must be.

Anyway, after the Furious 7 spot aired on the Super Bowl, Meadow posted an old photo of her and her Dad to Instagram that was both heartbreaking and completely adorable. Here’s another one she posted back in November, too.

Hang in there, Meadow. The next three months are probably going to be very weird.

Furious 7 opens on April 3rd.

Source: Instagram