This Texas Journalist Went Insanely Viral After Going Off On A Brutal Rant About Millennials

Alexis Bloomer is a 23-year-old Texas journalist who probably didn’t expect to become a viral internet sensation when she recorded herself going off on a rant about “lazy” and “entitled” millennials from her car last week — at the time of this writing, the video has more than 41 million views. In the video, Bloomer addresses the over-40 set by admitting that her generation sucks and viciously attacks her peers by saying, “We’re pretty much existing, we’re not contributing anything to society.” Now I’m always up for a good millennial bashing, but even I think that sounds harsh. Surely millennials are contributing something?

She goes on to admonish millennials’ lack of manners and respect towards elders — which makes sense because she says she got the inspiration for the video after watching a young guy not hold a door for a limping elderly man — as well as derogatory contributions to pop culture. “We idolize people like Kim Kardashian, and then we shame people like Tim Tebow,” she says, referring to the chaste quarterback.

For her efforts, Bloomer was awarded a guest spot on Fox & Friends on Thursday morning, where she elaborated on her viewpoints. We know… shocking, that a young, pretty blonde conservative would land a spot on Fox News! Agree with her or not, one thing that’s clear is that Bloomer probably has a bright future in broadcasting ahead of her.

(Via Daily Mail)