Liveblog Reminder: 'Arrow' Takes On 'The Undertaking' Tonight

Tonight we apparently learn what Malcolm Merlyn has planned for the slums of Starling City. Considering how cuddly and light-hearted he’s been, we’re guessing it doesn’t involve building condos.

The full preview indicates that we get to see two very important things this week: Arrow giving some poor shmuck the triple headslam, and Felicity in a cocktail dress:

If they ever make the Green Arrow video game we’ve been demanding, the triple headslam will have to me a melee finisher.

Joking aside, invoking the legendary quote “Destroying the village in order to save it” probably doesn’t bode well for the residents of the Glades, and we do like that Felicity is trying to fix Ollie and Diggle’s relationship. Also that Felicity is getting into the field more.

The fun starts tonight at 8pm EST.