Louis C.K. Answered Questions About Fan Interactions And His Comedy Pet Peeves On Reddit Today

UPROXX’s father figure/role model/life coach, Louis C.K., participated in another Reddit AMA today to get people to download his new special, but also to discuss his favorite Mexican food, why he refuses to take photos with fans on the street (but is totally fine with just talking for a minute), and which historical figure he’d have sex with. Oh, and this:

What is the most ridiculous thing on this planet?

Dogs who don’t know that they’re dogs. (Via)

I love that man so much. Here are, in my opinion, the best 12 back question-and-answers from today’s session.

Can you describe the moment when you checked your PayPal and saw that Live at the Beacon Theater had made a million dollars?

It was strange. I kept looking at all the different zeros hoping one of them would explain what was going on. It was fun. It was…dirty.

How challenging is the workload you’ve taken there, given how busy you are?

I’m very busy all of the time. I’ve put a lot of thought and effort into trying to manage a lot of tasks and staying sane and staying a good father. I’ve learned a lot about it. I learned something about sharks sleeping their brains in sections, like a rolling blackout. I’ve applied that to my life in a huge way which is probably not smart because I didn’t research it or learn about it in depth. Anyway it works. Shark sleep.

Hi Louis, fellow Mexican here lol. Congratulations on all your success!! My question is: what’s your favorite Mexican food?

Chilaquiles and mole when it’s really mole. My Abuelita made a blend of Mexican and Hungarian food that has never been replicated in my life.

Have you run into Ewan McGregor since he told you to put your money where your mouth is?

No. We don’t do the same kinds of things. Unless he starts killing and stuffing homeless people I’ll probably never run into him. I would totally kiss him right on the lips, though. Totally.

So I’m gonna be that asshole that asks if you wanna read a script I wrote for a TV show I’m working on. Gotta start somewhere, right? By the way, I really dig your shit. Thanks for being intelligent.

No I will not read it or anyone else’s script. I am just irresponsible and lazy. I have a script in my email from a man who is a god in film making and I just haven’t fucking read it.

Did you reach out to anyone to guest star in the show that flat out denied?

I got plenty of no thank yous. I am learning though that I am at a point in my career where I get really nice NOs from people. Personally written and nice “No way will I do that” emails. We do have some great guest stars this year, though. 3 Oscar winners, not that that matters (actually 4)

Hey Louie, big fan and all that. I was wondering what you think makes a person tolerable for you? Especially in terms of people you meet and then they immediately say they are a big fan.

No one has to be tolerated by me. People are who they are. I can opt in or out. I can participate with them or not, but tolerate is a bit…cunty.

As far as fans on the street. Well, that got kind of difficult this year because it became frequent. It’s tricky because I find myself in the strange and indefensible position of being really uncomfortable due to something I am very grateful for. I appreciate every person that approaches me to say something. So I kind of invested some brain and heart space and time into puzzling out how do I deal with this? I lived some moments that i didn’t like how I reacted so someone being nice. I can’t expect anyone to know why it can be stressful. You sort of want to be lost in your own gaze and haze of your life and not be noticed constantly by folks and treated strangely and then stared at. But you sort of want a lot of things in life and you don’t get all of them and it’s gross to complain that people want to say how much they like your work.

Okay so I puzzled it out and experimented with a few ways to deal with it. I remembered that when it was earlier in my career, when someone would say something like, once or twice day, I really liked it and felt genuine interest in them and gratitude. Why not now? SO I identified one source of discomfort. Taking pictures. Every person on the planet now has a camera. So it sometimes happens that up to 20 people in one day or more want me to pose with them for a picture that they can put on Facebook. That’s a lot. Also I don’t like doing it. It makes me feel weird. When I’m with my kids it takes my attention from them and makes them uncomfortable (and in some cases unsafe) but pretty much 100% of people who approach me want a picture.

Okay so I separated these two experiences out from each other. Standing on a street corner accepting a compliment and shaking a hand. that’s one. And taking a picture with a stranger. That’s two. I have ZERO problems with the first and LOTS with the second. And i realized that the inevitability of the second made me shy away from the first. So, what I do now is this: I refuse to ever take a picture with anyone. I just say no. I don’t do that. But I shake their hand and I talk to them for a bit. Because I like that. I can tell this disappoints people for a second but as we talk they feel okay about it. People who just want the picture and don’t want to connect get a little pissed off. But that’s okay. They can’t always have what they want. And I get to say no to a thing I really don’t like, especially that is asked of me a lot. And now with that boundary in place, I feel absolutely no inhibition with folks. I am glad to meet everyone that says hi. EVERYONE. I learn a little about a nice person several times a day. And they are kind to me. And it won’t last. So it’s great.

I just watched one of your standup specials with my mom over the weekend. What is one of the most embarrassing things that you’ve done with your mom?

I was in line with my mom at a store once. Two cute teenage girls (I was a teenager then so it’s okay) were standing behind her talking. One of them accidentally stepped on my mom’s heel. She said “Ow!” The girl said “Oh my god. I’m so sorry!” My mom said “Well you really did me in!” and turned her back on them. The girls suppressed a giggle behind her back. This whole thing made me love my mother WAY more. I’ll never forget it. One of them girls had a fucking can on her too.

Is there a pet peeve you have when it comes to other comedians, such as mannerisms, voice fluctuation, anything of that sort?

When comedians talk to an audience member and try to make them look dumb when they aren’t. Example Comedian: Where are you from? Person: Queens. Comedian: What do you do there? Person: I live there. Comedian: I mean what is your JOB you fucking asshole??? Person: (politely to his seat mate as everyone laughs at him) but I work in Manhattan.

Are all of your stories true? I understand some embellishments are expected. I’m really wondering about the waitress that had rape fantasies.

That one was actually true. She was sexy as hell too. She was cool, smart and sexy and she really said that. We were both in our early twenties then. At that age all bets are off. Everyone is dumb in their twenties. God bless ’em.

If you could be offered a guest spot on any show currently on television, what would it be?

I would like to be on that show where you jerk off a dog and try to aim his jizz at a sleeping guy’s face. What show is that? Oh yeah, 60 Minutes.


Scarlette Johansen. She is historical, right?