Meet The Man Who Reportedly Trashed A Salon Because He Was Upset With His $50 Haircut

All this man wanted was a quick trim, but it ended up costing him a lot more than just his $50 salon bill. Alan Becker entered a Connecticut salon hoping they would take care of his hair needs, but was soon met with disappointment. From WRAL:

Stamford Police Sgt. Kelly Connelly says 47-year-old Alan Becker was angered further when he learned the trim he got Wednesday morning was going to cost him $50.

Connelly says Becker kicked a hole in a salon wall, became hostile toward staff and customers, and threw a candle display and other items, then left.

Police say Becker returned later and demanded his hair be “fixed,” but the salon refused.

Becker left the scene and made it home before he was arrested for “breach of peace and criminal mischief.” All and all, his outburst will probably end up costing much more than just $50. It might be an outrageous cost for a haircut, but you could’ve at least asked for a price before you sat down in the barber chair. Bad haircut or not, I would’ve just walked out before I destroyed the joint.

(Via WRAL / Bro Bible)