This Man Stalks His Girlfriend As Michael Myers For This ‘Halloween’ Wedding Proposal

If you’re going to do a wedding proposal video, do it creatively. One man followed this directive by dressing up as Halloween killer Michael Myers to propose to his girlfriend.

On October 25, 2014, Alec Wells puts on a Michael Myers mask on “Halloween Street,” where the iconic movie was actually filmed, and laid in wait for his unsuspecting victim–err, girlfriend, Katherine Canipe. She soon approaches the street corner with a friend, asking if they’re in New Orleans. Said friend, clearly in on this surprise, answers by launching into that “We’re from Haddonfield” cheer, which she joins in on until she’s distracted by Wells-as-Myers popping out from behind the corner.

When he retreats behind the corner again, the friend says “you should probably go ahead,” barely suppressing his laughter. Breakout character, that one.

Wells takes off the mask and gets on one knee as Canipe approaches him, basically hyperventilating. He proposes and she says yes.

Canipe is apparently a big fan of Halloween and other horror films. She even hosts a podcast devoted to horror, called “Boys and Ghouls.” So this type of proposal is perfect for her, and it’s great that her fiancé recognizes that.

A few days ago, Canipe returned the favor, by letting Wells pick a Back To the Future theme for their engagement photo. She posted the result on imgur with a brief mention of the Halloween proposal.

Here’s the photo on Twitter:

Congrats to the happy couple.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)