“Modern Warfare” Gets Some Star Wars Up In It?

Sure, we’ve had “Star Wars” FPS games before, almost inevitably featuring some discarded character from the Original Trilogy playing some parallel plotline so they can shoehorn Chewie in there or something. What Blackmonkeys, a German CoD group, did, however, goes well beyond that.

Essentially, they modded the entirety of “Modern Warfare” to be a Star Wars FPS. What’s actually most impressive about it, having given it a quick spin, is the attention to detail: this is a complete, ground-up redesign of the game. If you didn’t know better, you’d think this was a game LucasArts had turned out.

But don’t take my word for it: here’s the entertainingly bombastic and ridiculous trailer they put together to announce the mod.

Just one thing: you guys do know that font you used in the opening disclaimer is from Star Trek, right?

[ via the Starkillers at CrunchGear ]