Barack Obama Pens Open Letter To Jay-Z, Reps DJ Khaled At Correspondents Dinner

The Correspondence Dinner is the annual event where the President cracks jokes about the media and the opposing party gets its panties in a bunch over the gags. The full 23-minute video is below but here are the highlights:

— Barack Obama came out to Khaled’s “All I Do Is Win.” Wow. How long before Fox News connects Obama to the awful entity that is DJ Khaled. Sh*t’s gonna hit the fan.

— Barack sent some jokes Jay-Z’s way. It never ceases to amaze me just how damn famous Jigga has gotten.

— Buzzfeed gets a shoutout at the correspondence dinner? New media for the win.

— At about the 16-minute mark they do a sketch of Daniel Day-Lewis “playing” Barack Obama and it’s the funniest thing you’ll see all day.

— In conclusion. Hey, Michelle. Just, hey boo.

— And here’s Conan’s speech for those interested.