Psygnosis Closes Its Doors, We Look Back

Thanks to the Vita selling miserably and game sales in general being awful, Sony has been looking to cut back on its staff, and one of the victims was Sony Liverpool.
But gamers over the age of twenty or so will know it better as Psygnosis. This is essentially nearly thirty years of video game history being shut down. Here’s some of the games the developer was known for, to celebrate their longtime efforts.

Show of hands: who spent most of their time trying to figure out how to kill these little bastards in the most creative way possible?

One of the best racing games on the PSone, and actually what turned the company into Sony Liverpool. Once they were bought out they put out nothing but racing games.

Let’s be fair: Psygnosis put out its fair share of garbage. But I actually have a lot of affection for this platformer; as tie-ins go it’s actually not bad.

Back in the day, when developing for computers, you could do very, very weird games. Psygnosis loved doing this kind of thing and Amnios is… well, see for yourself.

I bring this up because Psygnosis did something very rare in the ’80s. Most game programmers were one-man shows, so the company had a staff of artists and musicians available. The programmer handled the code, but the artists and musicians meant their game had a much higher quality presentation at the time.
This also meant they pioneered the art of the opening animation.
In short, you’ll be missed, Psygnosis. We hope all the employees land on their feet.