RoboNurse: Powered By Kinect?

As we’ve reported on before, the Kinect is making its way into hospitals across the country as a tool for saving lives. It’s already being used for 3D body-part mapping, but already we’re advancing beyond that: we’re building a robonurse.
Not the Pedobear-looking mofo on the right, though. Just a robotic arm and a screen, thankfully, with the Kinect serving as a controller. The neat part is that Robonurse will be controlled with gesture commands, so now all somebody has to do to horribly injure you for life in the surgical theater is pick their nose, which the robot will no doubt be programmed to think means “cut off his genitals.”
Video and documentation of Robonurse on the next slide.
[ via the robodocs at Medgadget ]