The ‘Spider-Man 2’ Super Bowl Spot Is Here And It’s ‘Amazing’

Check out Part 2 of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 teaser for the Super Bowl that was put up online. Is this not enough to please you? Well how about even more in another video:

These new previews give me hope for the movie. There are a whole lot of villains, but they seem to be acknowledging it in stride. Spider-Man seems to keep his sarcasm from the comics, which the original trilogy kind of lacked. I still can’t get over how the cartoon was cancelled without any sort of resolution. I wake up screaming thinking about it. That and because I scream in my sleep. We can’t all have great childhoods. Don’t judge.

My favorite picture of Jamie Foxx to date. Now, turn your head and cough.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opens May 2 in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D theaters.

Source: YouTube