Well-Known Directors Audition For ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ On Conan

Disney is probably still seeking a director to replace George Lucas for Star Wars: Episode VII, despite those rumors that Brad Bird may have already been hired. Luckily, Conan O’Brien found three audition videos for potential Star Wars directors Michael Moore, Woody Allen, and Kevin Smith.

The first video below follows “Michael Moore” as he tries to confront CEO Doug Vader about the depressed economy of Flintooine. Hmm, that Michael Moore impersonator is pretty good, but he needs to be a little more condescending and sanctimonious.

The second video casts R2-D2 as a nebbish Upper West Side resident being dumped by an Annie Hall style C-3PO, while the third video is a parody of Kevin Smith’s Clerks. It should have ended on a down note. I mean, that’s what life is, a series of down endings.

(H/T: Neatorama)