Surprise! Woman Gives Birth To Healthy 10-Pound Girl One Hour After Learning She’s Pregnant.

We often hear of women — especially teenagers — trying to hide their pregnancies and/or giving birth in bathroom stalls and secreting the baby away in dumpsters (or maybe I’ve seen too many Law & Order episodes), but you don’t often hear of women who have NO idea they’re pregnant until the day they give birth.

That’s what happened to Katie Kropas of Weymouth, Massachusetts, who went to the hospital complaining of stomach cramps on Tuesday, only to find out those weren’t stomach cramps. That was LABOR. An hour later, she gave birth, and it wasn’t to a small or premature baby. She gave birth to a healthy, ten-pound baby girl.

How do you go nine months without knowing there’s a 10-pound life inside of your uterus?

Kropas said she experienced no symptoms one might associate with pregnancy, save for swollen feet, which she attributed to working as a caterer for 50 hours a week. She was also on birth control and experienced a fairly regular menstrual cycle (what?), so the pregnancy was completely unexpected.

On one hand, she must be thrilled to learn that the 40-50 pounds she must have put on over the last nine months had nothing to do with sneaking bites of the food she was catering. On the other hand, she’s taking home a $245,000 expense she hadn’t prepared for.

Source: NECN