This is a Triumph

Last week Minecraft sold its one millionth copy and game creator Notch released version 1.2 which includes, among other things, a new type of block that plays an adjustable musical tone.  YouTube has been flooded with different songs played with these Note Blocks, but the one below is far and away my favorite.  It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction. I could take a bath in this stuff. Put in on cereal, rub it right into my eyes.

Also included in the new Minecraft update is the ability to harvest sugar from reeds and use it to make cake.  You can get some of that cake in the video after the jump.  It’s going to be a cake and Minecraft party.  Assume the Party Escort Submission Position, or you will miss the party.

That cake was a lie so delicious and moist.

[Hat tip and one Companion Cube to Rock, Paper, Shotgun.]