Want To See The New “Thundercats” Trailer?

Hey, remember that kind of Frazetta-esque painting of Lion-O that leaked for the Thundercats remake? And how it seemed a bit tone deaf, but kind of awesome?
Turns out the Thundercats remake is probably just tone-deaf.
The problem lies in the character design: they said “anime” and literally stopped there. So, so many of these are just canned anime designs with the Thundercats forced into them. Tygra is pretty solid, actually he looks better than he did in the original series with that blue onesie. Cheetara looks like the standard “chick with a weapon”. Lion-O looks like he’s waiting for puberty. Panthro looks like a palette-swap of Jet Black.
On the bright side, the trailer shows an epic scale, so at least the series will have an interesting plot. I just hope Lion-O isn’t voiced by some ten-year-old or something.

[ via the furries at The Daily What ]