Jennifer Lawrence Took Time To Visit Kids In The ICU On Christmas Eve

That Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing person is an accepted, indisputable fact. She proved this yet again on Christmas Eve when she dropped by a pediatric intensive care unit in her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.

According to Reddit user overtheanvil, real name Wendy Johnson, Lawrence stopped by the ICU to spend time with patients and hospital staff.

I work in a pediatric ICU in Jennifer’s hometown. She came and visited with kids and staff, leaving signed posters galore.

By the way, it’s Christmas Eve, and I can only assume she is home for the holidays. She’s awesome for taking time out of her trip home to brighten up the spirits of the kids stuck in the hospital on Christmas.

Johnson posted a video of Lawrence’s visit to YouTube, as well as a posed photo with the staff to Imgur.

Stay classy, J-Law. Never change.

Source: Reddit