Meet The Lawmaker Who Wants To Ban Yoga Pants In His State

This is state Rep. David Moore of Missoula, Mont. On Tuesday, Moore introduced a bill in the House Judiciary Committee that would ban garments that “give the appearance or simulate a person’s buttocks, genitals, pelvic area or female nipple.” This includes clothing like Speedos, bicycle shorts and yes, yoga pants. “Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway,” Moore said after the hearing.

David Moore has obviously never tried downward facing dog in shorts…but I digress.

Moore and Walt Hill, a retired professor in Missoula, initiated the drafting of HB 365 after the Bare as you Dare bicycle event outraged some residents last summer. Fearing that denying organizers an event permit would breach free speech, city officials allowed participants, many of them completely nude, to ride through downtown Missoula on Aug. 17, 2014.

Um, what does that have to do with yoga pants? Allow Moore to explain.

“I want Montana to be known as a decent state where people can live within the security of laws and protect their children and associates from degrading and indecent practices,” Hill said Tuesday in support of the measure. “I believe this bill is written preserving that reputation.”

You cannot and will not protect your children in yoga pants. Hey, you. Yeah, you in the Lululemon. Stop shielding your children from that man with the assault rifle. Stop it right now, you’re giving him an erection!

But, no. That’s not even the worst thing here. Montana has a wacky law for indecent exposure. Like, ultra wacky.

Currently, a person convicted of indecent exposure three times could be sentenced to life in jail and up to $10,000.

America, land of the free and home of spectacularly stupid sentencing guidelines.

Via Billings Gazette