Exes Play ‘Truth Or Drink’ And The Results Are As Awkward As Expected

Cut Video specializes in placing people in awkward situations with a game called “Truth or Drink.” Last time around, they found some young adults who were willing (or drunk enough) to ask their parents awkward sex questions. They also talked some couples into grilling each other for the same objective.

The beauty of “Truth or Drink” is in its simplicity. Each party takes turns asking questions, and the other has to answer or take a shot. This time, Cut Video gathered up several sets of cooperative ex-lovers. The game got wild with some of these exes. The questions ranged from the obvious (“What did your friends and parents think of me?”) to the cheeseball (“If we were the last two people on Earth, would we become lovers?”) to the raunchy (“Did I ever pop into your head while you’re masturbating?”).

The “truth” aspect also involved dares. Body shots and kisses on the lips happened with frequency. These exes seem quite fond of each other. Why are they all exes?

Here’s another episode featuring Cory and Karen. These two must have hooked up after the cameras stopped rolling. Or at least, he tried to make it happen.

(Via Mashable)