What The Heck Is Going On With The Stock Market And Global Economy?

People have been crapping their pants so much since the Dow Jones “corrected” itself on Friday that the wisest investment would probably be companies that make new pants. And things weren’t much better today as the Dow started off by plummeting another thousand points to start the morning, which was rather historic since it was the first time that a drop has topped 1,000. The better news, though, is that the Dow fought back like the courageous trooper it is to be down only slightly less than 200 points. Hooray for small victories, especially when people are trying to make up clever nicknames like “Manic Monday” for today’s events, and that just makes everything sound far worse than it actually is. Honestly, it’s a shame we can’t invest in raw human fear.

What’s important, according to the experts, is that we don’t panic. Clever nicknames aside, this is nothing like Black Friday or the financial meltdown of 2008, which is probably why people seem to have such a good sense of humor about it. Or maybe it’s just because we’ve finally become too cynical, and not even impending global economic doom is enough to make people stop being snarky. For more on what China’s economic slowdown means to America, we check in with anchors Tom Storey and Briana Lane on today’s episode of The Desk.