Emma Watson Needs A Name For Her Feminist Book Club

Emma Watson is very busy.

The Harry Potter actress and generally awesome person recently wrapped up filming for Disney’s live-action Beauty and the Beast (she plays Belle), and is currently shooting The Circle with Tom Hanks and John Boyega. She’s also trying to make the world a better and less overtly misogynistic place. No biggie. Plus, Watson became friends with Taylor Swift, which probably takes up a lot of her day. It’s her turn to chop wood for The Squad’s winter cabin.

But she’s still making enough time to start a book club.

Bor-ing. Watson wasn’t explicitly asking for club name suggestions, but Twitter was more than happy to provide her with some.

Every third tweet is a variation of “Femmanist,” by far the most popular response (unless you consider “luv u” or “marry me babe” a suggestion — you shouldn’t consider these suggestions). J.K. Rowling, who’s very good at Twitter, hasn’t replied yet, but when she does, her tweet will probably connect illiteracy to Voldemort. It always comes back to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-and-He-Also-Can’t-Join-the-Book-Club.