George W. Bush Drops A Massive Tip And The Waitress’ Tweet Goes Viral

President Bush Addresses The Nation
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George W. Bush has kept a low profile in the time since he left the Oval Office. He’s enjoying his retirement, which could be filled with phone calls from a recently freed-up Jeb, but mostly, Dubya gets along. He and Laura Bush dined out this weekend and left their waitress a $40 tip on a $21.47 bill. Not bad. Twitter user Leisa did what any self-respecting social media addict would do. She asked for a photo and tweeted that bad boy. She also added a caption that’s drawing some interest.

As one can imagine, some people didn’t enjoy the joke. In another tweet, Leisa explained how she was only kidding and fully respects the former president. Leisa says she was really poking fun at conspiracy theorists (as folks do on the internet) and never meant any offense. Although she forgot her tweet was public and didn’t expect it to go viral, Leisa’s making the best of this situation even though her replies are a mess.

Leisa also revealed that the Bushes both dined on burgers without mustard (they are not fans of the condiment), onion rings, and water. She says Dubya was perfectly gracious and, as she tells Mic, referred to wait staff and fellow clientele as “baby.” Regardless of the questionable nature of any 9/11 joke, Leisa scored a cool photo and a 200% tip. The Bushes can certainly afford to tip big, but that doesn’t lessen the kind gesture for a job well done.

Also, everything on the internet is public, or it soon will be. Never forget.

(Via BroBible & Mic)