Hillary Clinton Is No Longer Amused By Donald Trump

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stopped by Seth Meyers Thursday night where the topic of conversation inevitably turned to her competition, (or “competition”) Donald Trump. Clinton doesn’t mince words, and says right off the bat: “You know, I have to say, Seth. I no longer think he’s funny.”

Meyers himself has made eloquent statements in the past about how Donald Trump is not actually a threat in so much as people actually voting for him. But, as he discusses with the former Secretary of State, Trump’s rhetoric as of late is becoming increasingly dangerous to the point that it’s no longer a laughing matter. Aside from getting a small percentage of Americans worked into a frothing rage over perceptions of an entire group of people, Clinton points out that Trump is “playing right into the hands of the terrorists” by gift-wrapping their propaganda for them.

She’s not wrong. Although, it’s not that crazy to think that may be exactly what Donald Trump wants. Clinton also discussed the hot-button gun control issue, and, regardless of how you feel about President Clinton 2.0, she makes some moderate, level-headed points—mainly that no one wants to take anyone’s existing guns away, we just want to avoid new guns from getting into the wrong hands.

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