An Online Costume Company Is Selling A ‘Lion Killer Dentist’ Halloween Costume

Want to be the most hated person at parties or the bar this Halloween but think that a costume involving blackface and/or domestic violence is just a smidge too gauche? Well online costume retailer, Costumeish, has just the thing for you! For just $59.99 you can dress up as Walter Palmer, the dentist who killed the beloved Cecil the Lion and has had to basically go underground as to avoid someone making good on all of the death threats he has since received.

The “Lion Killer Dentist Costume,” as it’s being described online, comes with a severed lion’s head mask, smock with fake blood splatter, bloody gloves, and dentist tools for “a gruesome, complete look.” CEO Johnathon Weeks claims that they created the costume after being inundated with requests, however as of around noon on Tuesday they had yet to sell any (the costume went live on the website Tuesday at midnight).

Oh, but here is the redeeming part. The company claims that 15% of all proceeds will go to the African Wildlife Foundation’s Justice for Cecil. Or you know, you can just donate some cash and not dress up as a lion-killing dentist for Halloween, as TMZ — bastions of good taste and moral superiority — suggest. Just a thought.

(Via TMZ)