Tomi Lahren Is Bent Over A Hilarious Fake Meme Circulating In Which She Blasts Obama For Creating Festivus

Tomi Lahren declared that it was “snowflake melting season” in her special Christmas edition of Final Thoughts earlier in the week. But on Christmas Eve, it was Lahren herself that many were claiming was a snowflake after she became a little upset on Twitter over a Photoshopped meme featuring her that had been making the rounds.

As you can see, the image in question looks real enough and shows Lahren apparently blasting President Obama for creating Festivus — the holiday for the rest of us — in an effort to finally destroy Christmas.

The image itself quickly made the rounds and was pointed out as a fake, but it does stand as proof that folks don’t feel it is out of the realm of statements you might hear on Fox News. It also continued to make the rounds online, making its way to Lahren herself. She was not happy:

The source of the meme seems to be the Seinfeld Current Day account, with @Seinfeld2000 taking much pride in the Photoshop as part of the Festivus celebrations.

So yes, a fake Seinfeld joke account created an image that went viral, was claimed by many others, led its way back to Tomi Lahren to bend her out of shape just in time for Christmas. It seems like the proper time for someone to wish everybody well for the holiday: