Sam And Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Home Raided Over The M16 They Apparently Own

Before we go any further, it behooves us to point out it was a decommissioned M16 assault rifle, and it’s for art, you guys. The police just don’t understand art. Geez, why can’t people just be cool about M16s laying near windows in view of the neighbors? Aaron Taylor-Johnson is just a chill dude who played Quicksilver and Kick-Ass and married the director of Fifty Shades Of Grey Sam Taylor-Johnson, who is 24 years his senior and allegedly started dating him when he was 17. But whatevs. Y’all just jealous.

The kerfuffle started late last Thursday, when a passer-by on the sidewalk noticed an M16 assault rifle sitting on a desk in full view of a window at the Taylor-Johnson’s home in the posh Primrose Hill area of London. Members of the Metropolitan Police Firearms Unit made a raid on the house to investigate, gaining entry with a key holder as the couple were not at home. A spokesman for the police told THR the firearm was confirmed to be a deactivated M16.

A spokeswoman for Sam and Aaron Taylor-Johnson told the BBC, “The firearm was located in Sam Taylor-Johnson’s basement studio and has been confirmed as a certified and fully decommissioned M16 assault rifle that was provided to Mrs Taylor-Johnson by the international charity Peace One Day as part of an art project entitled ‘Peace One Day M16’. The project, curated by Jake Chapman, consists of new works by some of the most celebrated names in contemporary art all of whom are transforming fully decommissioned M16 assault rifles.”

No arrests were made, as it was a legally-owned art piece. Or it’s all just an elaborate ruse and Aaron really is Kick-Ass. I don’t know. What do I look like, a journalism doctor?

Via Page Six